Before the loan, my household living condition was just making ends meet, enough for food for the kids. At the time, our home was just corrugated sheet roofed. When it rained, we had some leaks in the roof. We did not sleep well, but sat up to hear and watch the raindrops through the leaks. Such a pity thing encouraged me to wish for a proper home, but our household could not afford it. I thought of borrowing from any source that I could affordably pay it back. A village moneylender offered the loan, but the interest rate was quite high and it’s for a short-term duration. I used to hear about MFIs and banks, but I felt hard to approach anyone as our household was poor.
Luckily, Daikou Finance staff came down to conduct their loan promotion event in my village. I was convinced to ask for more detailed information about the loan. With the loan term and condition being aligned with my affordability, I decided to take a loan (US$13,000) to build a new home. We feel quite warm in the new home, encouraging myself and my wife to work harder to better our household living condition as of today.
Mr. Phearin said, “I’m very happy and satisfied with what we’ve achieved as of today. Borrowing from a legally registered financial institution is quite significant for client’s progress, hitting the goal and improving the living conditions. I’ve also received basic financial literacy from Daikou Finance”. He continued, “In the future, I wish my 4 children have advanced their studies. They’ll have a well-paid job and become a resourceful human-being both in the village and in the society”.